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Our Ministries

Kid's and


Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”  – Jesus

(Matthew 19:14)


Compassion Children’s Church believes in bringing the Bible to life in a fun, interactive and inspiring way for our kids. 


Compassion Marriage is a course that will help you discover how your marriage can be an amazing extension of God’s love for you both. You will learn how to develop healthy communication skills and behavior styles that will strengthen your marriage and relationship with God.



Life Groups are where we celebrate God and all of His wonders. Join a Life Group today and enjoy fun and fellowship while you study the Word of God in meaningful settings. When you join a Life Group, you will study the Word with people who are committed to learning and growing alongside you in faith and compassion. 


Ruth told Naomi “Don’t ask me to leave you or turn back.” (Ruth 1:16) Naomi had just suffered terrible tragedy in her life and when everyone else walked away, Ruth refused to. This is what being a “Lady of Compassion” is all about. Our ladies are valued, embraced, ministered to, and mentored in the power and comfort of God’s Word. Through special events, community outreach and retreats, our “Ladies of Compassion” grow and discover who they are in Christ Jesus!



David was the least likely yet the chosen one. With all of his great successes, there were definitely shortcomings. David understood God’s Grace and walked in it constantly. This is why God said of David, he is “a man after my own heart”.“Men of David’s Heart” are men who rely on the Grace that David clung to. Our men hold each other up, strengthen their faith, and grow in the Lord through various events, retreats and outreach!

Compassion in Action
Mission Work Here and Abroad

El Salvador 2024 Mission Trip

​                                       "Dear Children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth."  I John 3:18


Our missionaries were called on a seven-day mission to spread the Word, Promise, Love, and Hope that comes with knowing our Heavenly Father.  â€‹


We are called to into all the world at make disciples! Compassion Church takes the Good News of Jesus outside the walls to meet people where they are.  Through local community outreach and global missions, we take the message of Grace to the Lost, the Power of Healing to the Sick and the Faith of Deliverance to the Bound.  Check our Events Calendar for outreach opportunities!  You can also call us at 210.549.4012.  

Day 2 Photos.jpg
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2862 Thousand Oaks,
San Antonio, TX 78232


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